Release Notes - SEEK - Version 1.4.0
New Feature
- [OPSK-906] - project-specific defaults (sharing, licensing) set by project's admin
- [OPSK-1254] - Allow site-wide default license to be specified
- [OPSK-255] - Upgrade to Rails 4
- [OPSK-354] - better to switch the arrow direction after closing the box
- [OPSK-743] - Use an better calendar for date & time selection
- [OPSK-972] - acts_as_annotatable and Seek::Tagging required
- [OPSK-1151] - samples not shown on organism page
- [OPSK-1196] - Improve person autocompleter thing
- [OPSK-1213] - Include Events in the ISA graph
- [OPSK-1214] - More descriptive tab titles
- [OPSK-1232] - Shown as both a creator and contributor for an Assay
- [OPSK-1233] - Cannot create a sample type with controlled vocab (Rails 4)
- [OPSK-1243] - Store secret_key_base in filestore rather than using env variable
- [OPSK-1253] - Long project lists are not displayd nicely in asset listing
- [OPSK-1258] - Import datacite gem into main SEEK
- [OPSK-1259] - JWS Online needs to know whether the model is constraint based or not
- [OPSK-1273] - Rename owner_id to contributor_id for Assay
- [OPSK-1274] - Show SEEK ID for Project and Person, and as a URI
- [OPSK-573] - Stack level too deep when doing pubmed queries in development mode
- [OPSK-1041] - URLs to the fairdomhub don't seem to be recognised as webpages
- [OPSK-1195] - Sharing table should not show "download" column for non-downloadable (ISA) things
- [OPSK-1201] - "Upload new version" button is hidden from non-managers
- [OPSK-1217] - Unit order field needs renaming
- [OPSK-1220] - Incorrect default permissions when selecting "Add a Study" for an investigation
- [OPSK-1221] - No project permissions when creating an Assay
- [OPSK-1222] - Clicking on the centre of the permissions matrix cells doesn't work.
- [OPSK-1223] - New assay based on this one doesn't select the organism
- [OPSK-1224] - Preview permissions doesn't make sense and is worded misleadingly
- [OPSK-1225] - Preview of data file results breaks the drag and drop of favourite search
- [OPSK-1227] - Error uploading avatars
- [OPSK-1229] - Cannot set default sharing defaults for a project
- [OPSK-1230] - Clicking "show x more" on the ISA graph doesn't work
- [OPSK-1236] - Project selector doesn't revert to 'Select a project...'
- [OPSK-1237] - Presentation title box is large
- [OPSK-1238] - Auth table consistency stats don't display
- [OPSK-1239] - Error when attempting to do an external search
- [OPSK-1241] - Problem with local solr search
- [OPSK-1246] - Incorrect string value: '\xE2\x97\x8F Wh...' for column 'description' when creating an event
- [OPSK-1248] - Incorrectly sending error emails for ActionController::UnknownFormat
- [OPSK-1250] - Store openbis metadata cache in filestore/, not tmp/
- [OPSK-1251] - Problem with publications with the DOI registered as a full URL
- [OPSK-1263] - organism page/ alphabetical order - missing letters
- [OPSK-1268] - (Show All) contributor pop-up displays avatars in a column
- [OPSK-1271] - Pagination broken
- [OPSK-1275] - Prevent invalid URLs being added, both for new items and versions
- [OPSK-1279] - ISA Graph boxes are often too small for the text
- [OPSK-1280] - Autocomplete for creators and attributions isn't restricted to people
- [OPSK-1281] - RDF for assets doesn't include creators
- [OPSK-1282] - study does not load the correct default sharing policy for project
- [OPSK-1286] - "Download" permission column missing from default policy form
- [OPSK-1289] - User menu expands too wide when you are a member of a project with a long name
- [OPSK-1242] - FAIRDOMHUb model types are out of sync
- [OPSK-1245] - Investigate error email about missing sprockets when running AuthLookupJob
- [OPSK-1255] - Merge datacite gem into SEEK code
- [OPSK-1257] - Test the asset housekeeper behaviour
- [OPSK-1260] - Error when trying to download JERM things when the server has gone
- [OPSK-1261] - Investigate loading of ontologies in OWL format without having to convert to RDFXML
- [OPSK-1265] - fairdomhub does not set content-length under some circumstances
- [OPSK-1266] - Large file downloads take a while to start on fairdomhub