The JSON API to FAIRDOM SEEK is a JSON API specification describing how to read and write to a SEEK instance.
The API is defined in the OpenAPI specification currently in version 2
Example IPython notebooks showing use of the API are available on GitHub
A Policy specifies the visibility of an object to people using SEEK. A Project may specify the default policy for objects belonging to that Project
The Policy specifies the visibility of the object to non-registered people or People not allowed special access.
The access may be one of (in order of increasing “power”):
- no_access
- view
- download
- edit
- manage
In addition a Policy may give special access to specific People, People working at an Institution or working on a Project.
The license specifies the license that will apply to any DataFiles, Models, SOPs, Documents and Presentations associated with a Project.
The license can currently be:
- CC0-1.0 - CC0 1.0
- CC-BY-4.0 - Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
- CC-BY-SA-4.0 - Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0
- ODC-BY-1.0 - Open Data Commons Attribution License 1.0
- ODbL-1.0 - Open Data Commons Open Database License 1.0
- ODC-PDDL-1.0 - Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and Licence 1.0
- notspecified - License Not Specified
- other-at - Other (Attribution)
- other-open - Other (Open)
- other-pd - Other (Public Domain)
- AFL-3.0 - Academic Free License 3.0
- Against-DRM - Against DRM
- CC-BY-NC-4.0 - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0
- DSL - Design Science License
- FAL-1.3 - Free Art License 1.3
- GFDL-1.3-no-cover-texts-no-invariant-sections - GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 with no cover texts and no invariant sections
- geogratis - Geogratis
- hesa-withrights - Higher Education Statistics Agency Copyright with rights
- localauth-withrights - Local Authority Copyright with rights
- MirOS - MirOS Licence
- NPOSL-3.0 - Non-Profit Open Software License 3.0
- OGL-UK-1.0 - Open Government Licence 1.0 (United Kingdom)
- OGL-UK-2.0 - Open Government Licence 2.0 (United Kingdom)
- OGL-UK-3.0 - Open Government Licence 3.0 (United Kingdom)
- OGL-Canada-2.0 - Open Government License 2.0 (Canada)
- OSL-3.0 - Open Software License 3.0
- dli-model-use - Statistics Canada: Data Liberation Initiative (DLI) - Model Data Use Licence
- Talis - Talis Community License
- ukclickusepsi - UK Click Use PSI
- ukcrown-withrights - UK Crown Copyright with rights
- ukpsi - UK PSI Public Sector Information
The content of a DataFile, Document, Model, SOP or Presentation is specified as a set of ContentBlobs.
When a resource with content is created, it is possible to specify a ContentBlob either as:
- A remote ContentBlob with:
- URI to the content’s location
- The original filename for the content
- The content type of the remote content as a MIME media type
- A placeholder that will be filled with uploaded content
- The original filename for the content
- The content type of the content as a MIME media type
The creation of the resource will return a JSON document containing ContentBlobs corresponding to the remote ContentBlob and to the ContentBlob placeholder. The blobs contain a URI to their location.
A placeholder can then be satisfied by uploading a file to the location URI. For example by a placeholder such as
"content_blobs": [
"original_filename": "a_pdf_file.pdf",
"content_type": "application/pdf",
"link": ""
may be satisfied by uploading a file to using the uploadDataFileContent operation
The content of a resource may be downloaded by first reading the resource and then downloading the ContentBlobs from their URI.