It is possible to configure SEEK to automatically send RDF triples to a Virtuoso Repository.
Developers may also be interested in how to extend this for other triple stores - this is potentially quite simple and please contact us on our developers mailing list if you are interested.
Installing Virtuoso
Virtuoso is available as a Debian package, and this is the easiest way to install it.
For other distributions, or for the latest version, please follow the online documentation using the link at the end of this section.
sudo apt-get install virtuoso-opensource
Note that during the installation process, you will be asked for a password for the DBA and DAV users. We find this doesn’t change the password and it remains as the defaults dba or dav - you will need to change this passwords after the installation.
Once installed you should be able to access it, on the port 8890 - http://localhost:8890 - Click “Conductor” at the top right to login and change the default passwords.
You may also need to set additional privileges for deleting triples. You can do this using isql-vt:
> isql-vt -U dba
For more information about setting up and configuring Virtuoso please visit
Configuring SEEK
You first need to copy the file config/virtuoso-settings.example.yml to config/virtuoso-settings.yml
This file contains configurations for the environments Rails runs under - production:, development: and test:. If you don’t need it configured under a given environment, just delete that section, or add disabled: true
You need to at least set up the username and password.
There are 2 graphs defined - a private graph (that contains everything) and a public graph (that only contains RDF for publicly accessible items). However, you will need to configure Virtuoso to prevent access to the private graph. By default it will be publicly accessible.
If you don’t wish to create a private graph - remove the configuration private_graph.
Finally, to start generating and sending triples run the command
bundle exec rake seek_rdf:generate RAILS_ENV=production
setting the appropriate environment for RAILS_ENV. This will generated a set of background jobs, which will start generated and sending the RDF.
You can check the progress of these jobs in the Admin pages of SEEK, under Statistics and then select Job Queue from the dropdown list.