The FAIRDOM-SEEK user guide is written for users of any FAIRDOM-SEEK instance. The pages are organised by sections on the left. You can also search at the top-right of any page.
Aliases for names of features and functions
The names of different features and functions may vary across FAIRDOM-SEEK instances. This general user guide includes the default or most common names. For examples of the most common aliases, see:
Note that FAIRDOM-SEEK instances are highly customisable. Functionality such as e.g. the ISA structure, ISA-JSON compliant
experiments and the different asset types need to be enabled by an instance admin.
Therefore, some functionality described in this general user guide might not be available on your local instance.
Please contact your local instance admin for more information.
Archived help pages
All other pages have been archived and may not provide current information. They are organised into sections for data and model annotations, controlled vocabularies and JERM.
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If you are interested in contributing please visit our Contributors guide.