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Creating and Managing Programmes

What are Programmes and why create them?

Programmes are an umbrella group for one or more Projects. They are usually, but not always, associated with a particular funded piece of research.

Examples are SysMO and ERASysAPP

If you wish to create and manage your own Projects, you will first need to create a Programme that they will fall under.

Creating a Programme

Once you have registered and logged in, you will be able to create a Programme. You can do so from Create menu at the top of the screen

Programme create menu

This will take you to a form to fill out to describe the Programme. The title is required and must be unique, other fields are optional but encouraged if you want your Programme to be accepted. Once it has been created you will also be able to change the logo picture. Click the Create button at the bottom of the form to create the Programme.

Programme created

You will now need to wait until the Programme has been activated by an administrator. The administrators will have been sent an email, will review the Programme and either accept of reject it. If rejected you will be provided with a reason. It is possible an administrator will contact you during this review process. The Programme will not appear in lists or search results until it has been activated.

Once either Accepted or Rejected you will be notified by email.

After its creation and likely acceptance you will automatically become the default Programme Administrator. Follow the link to find out what you can do next, such as creating a Project.

Administrator details

The following are details that apply only to SEEK system administrators.

Programme Activation

If you are a SEEK administrator you may receive an email notifying you that a Programme has been created and requires activation.

This email will contain details about the Programme, who created it and also includes a link that you can follow to Accept or Reject the Programme - you need to be logged into SEEK to do this.

Programme accept or reject

If you reject the programme, you will be asked for an explanation which will be passed on to the user that created it. If rejected, the Programme won’t automatically be deleted and there is still the opportunity to Accept it again later if your reasons for rejection are addressed. You can also come back later and delete it if necessary.

Disabling Programme creation

If you run your own installation of SEEK, you can disable both Programmes and also separately the ability for users to create their own Programmes. This will mean the Programmes, and therefore also Projects can only be created by a full administrator.

The option to turn these on or off are available in the Server Admin area, under Site configuration and Enable/disable features.

Enable programmes flag